Dear classmates of room 1
Do you want to make this class great again? Then vote for me. Here are some reasons why.
First I'm really good at time management. I always make sure I'm at school before the gates open so I'm organised for the day. I've also had many jobs over my years at school. They include librarian, young vinnes, house captain, pals, road patrol and student council.
Second reason fun without making it too crazy. I've got everyone else, I can make people laugh with a story, a joke or even a weird dance. I can also be serious when the time calls for it, like when I share a funny story I can't stop laughing.
Third and final reason is that I can help others when they need it. I have a lot of strengths that I can share with everyone I can help people who are struggling or nervous. I am a strong leader. I can stay on task but also help others as well as myself Like someone comes up to me and asked me if I can buddy check them I will do it even if I have something to do.
Overall I think I'm a responsible, risible and reliable student. Vote for me